hello everyone !

the photos from the joint LAD/ALSA booth at LinuxTag 2002 in
karlsruhe/germany are now available at
http://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/events.php3 . 

those who asked for t-shirts will find a link to the image there. it's
probably easier to find a print shop close to you and roll your own than
to fedex shirts around the world.

for some general info about LinuxTag, go to
http://www.linuxtag.org/ (in german; there is a link to the english
version in the top right corner. the page probably does not reflect yet
that the show is over.)

we will most definitely have a booth again next year. if you'd like to
participate, write to me off-list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),
i'll collect your address and forward it to the organizers when the
preparations start (usually around february).

best regards,


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