On Thursday 13 June 2002 11:59 am, dgm4 wrote:
> Lamar Owen wrote:
> >French Horn.  Its bore is as long as a tuba's.  I have played horn before,
> > and there is a definite, barely detectable delay between initiation of
> > the note and the perception of the note (which is both by ear and by hand
> > in the case of the horn).  The long bore is one reason the horn's attack
> > is quite mellow.

> To say nothing of pipe organs, where the latency can be nearly half a
> second (!) in a large church.

Yeah, but organists are trained to compensate for that.  That's one reason 
there are so many manuals.  But it does make the music interesting to play.  
I know a concert organist who is rather accomplished; I didn't even think 
about his techniques when I mentioned horn.  When one stop is half a second 
removed from another, odd and interesting effects can be produced by one who 
know the instrument and the acoustics of the venue well enough.

But I think most musicians don't want to have to deal with the pipe organ 
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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