OK People, Here it is at last, release candidate 2 of libsndfile-1.0.0. Most of the pain between the last pre release and the this one was getting libsndfile running on MacOSX and Win32.
For MacOSX, building libsndfile should require nothing more than ./configure make sudo make install The Win32 problem was fixed by writing a makefile which can be used with nmake.exe which is distributed as part of MSVC++. The makefile also has a "make check" target to ensure that the built library is working correctly. The instuctions for this new build method is in the file doc/win32.html. The only other change between the last release and this one is the disappearance of the sf_signal_max() function to be replaced with a call the sf_command(). The new version is here: http://www.zip.com.au/~erikd/libsndfile/#Download and has already been announced in freshmeat.net. Changes in the API between the version 0.0.X series and the 1.X.Y seris are listed here: http://www.zip.com.au/~erikd/libsndfile/version-1.html Cheers, Erik -- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yes it's valid) +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Linux: Because rebooting is for adding new hardware