I've been a grateful user of latencytest for audio setup.
I've just started working for the Open Source Development Lab
(www.osdl.org) which is a non-profit supporting kernel development
by providing hardware and a Scalable Test Platform (www.osdl.org/stp)

I'm working on adding tests to the STP, and latencytest looks like 
it would be very useful, since we don't have many other scheduler focused
tests (yet). 

I'd like to include it in the platform. At a minimum this would mean putting a 
in our CVS (  cvs.stp.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/stp ) 
and tweaking up a set of automated scripts for the test engine. 

I'm not sure of all the etiquette when borrowing/seizing GPL code 
for another GPL project, so i would appreciate help/advice.

I've written Takashi and benno, but no response yet. I would
have to receive the blessing and permission of the authors before doing
anything with the code - are there any other authors, or concerned citizens? 

Also, more general:
Is this code really useful from the kernel perspective? 
In other words, is there a reason _not to use this test?


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