On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 17:39, Vincent Touquet wrote:
> So we have:
> - audio interconnection -> JACK
> - control interconnection -> ? (alsa ?)
> - state saving protocol
>   -> some XML based protocol
> Is this XML based protocol restricted
> to state accounting only or would it
> be used for control interconnection
> protocol too (like midi + some bracket bloat ;) ?

I think there should be a generic control/message passing protocol. I
think XML is a good way to go, but it's not of incredible importence.
The main reason I think we need such a protocol is for MIDI-like data
that is outside the constraints of the MIDI protocol (floating point
data or other complex info). MIDI is very powerful, but it is also very
restrictive in some ways.

Just a thought. I don't know much about these subjects.


PS: I'll help code parts of this when it comes time. Just tell me what
is needed.

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