On Wed, 2002-08-07 at 16:57, Dave Phillips wrote:
> Hi, Josh:
>   Takashi sent me the correct invocation for using soundfonts with
> TiMidity++. For my purpose all I needed was a configuration file with
> this line in it:
>       soundfont /home/dlphilp/sfonts/8mbgmsfx.sf2
> Then if I call 'timidity -c my_new_sf2.cfg foo.mid' I hear the GM set
> from that file. Works great !

Cool. I'll have to give it a try sometime. I wonder if it would make
sense to try and get TiMidity++ integrated with Swami in some way.

>   I've been thinking of writing a "Linux Softsynth Roundup", there are
> now so many of the things around... ;)  So at some point, yes, I'd
> welcome a look at any research you might do on iiwusynth (or any other
> synth).
>   Btw, Swami is sweet. I'll be using it more often over the next few
> weeks so I should have a little more to say about it in a while. Thanks
> for the great app !

Thanks for the compliment :) I've been working on it quite a lot lately
but have not had regular internet access so the web site has not really
been up to date and I haven't released a version in a while. This will
hopefully change soon, now that I am no longer traveling. I'm looking
forward to the future of Swami, there are lots of cool things I have
planned for it.

> Best regards,
> == Dave Phillips

        Josh Green

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