Richard Bown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It's true that our printing facilities are a bit limited 
> at the moment

I would say that if you want really good printing, you should
probably accept a non-WYSIWYG approach and use Lilypond as your
printing engine at least, even if you use an interactive editor
such as Rosegarden-4 or Denemo to get the data into Lilypond
format in the first place.

We would like to do much better native printing from RG-4 than
we do at the moment (not hard -- native printing is completely
useless at the moment), but it'll never be as good as Lilypond.

As for editing capabilities, it would always be useful to know
what you're wanting to do and how the program could do a better
job of helping you.  How else will we improve it?

And Rosegarden is not your only option: you should take a look
at NoteEdit and Denemo as well, if sequencing is not of any
interest to you.  I think these are enough projects to make it
far more worth your time contributing to one of them than
starting your own, but obviously it's up to you.  Notation is
not particularly easy to do though.


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