On Friday 11 Oct 2002 11:11 am, you wrote:

> All data transmission is done using UDP so yes, it uses
> TCP/IP.  On a private LAN latencies and packet loss should


> not be a problem.  On my LAN at home I've not had a dropped
> packet and at work with a very saturated 10mbit segment
> we've only had problems when we start scp'ing Debian ISO's
> around the lab at the same time.  DMIDI isn't meant for use
> over the Internet though.

I think he meant TCP *instead* of UDP. DMIDI's 
connectionless, isn't it, Phil?

I can vouch for the performance. Phil hardly noticed in the 
lab when I was downloading 1.5GB powerpc images on 6 macs at 
a time from a server on the same subnet: those UDP packets 
kept getting through! I have also witnessed the Palm Pilot 
client driving a midi device over its IR into a mobile phone 
and through a ISP!! (although as Phil said, I guess he never 
intended it to be used that way!)

Dr Nick Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Centre for Music Technology (http://cmt.gla.ac.uk)
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering 
The University of Glasgow (http://www.elec.gla.ac.uk)

Find my public key at http://www.keyserver.net
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