> >This discussion is open!
> the discussion is several years old :)

and it doesnt look set to end anytime soon ;-)
> you managed to touch upon the central problem in your penultimate
> sentence, apparently without realizing the depth of the problem.
> if a synth comes with a GUI, then the issue of toolkit compatibility
> rears its ugly and essentially insoluble head once again. you can't
> put GTK based code into a Qt application, or vice versa. this also
> fails with any combination of toolkits, whether they are fltk, xforms,
> motif etc. etc.
> if the synth doesn't come with a GUI, but runs in the same process as
> the host, then every synth has to have some kind of inter-process
> control protocol to enable a GUI to control it.

but personally i find it much more desirable that the plugin provides
effectively a widget which can be added to a container (provided by the
host) rather than the plugin creating its own window. its just much

I thought Gtk(mm) is a more natural choice, since it is freely available
on all platforms, voila.

> these are deep problems that arise from the lack of a single toolkit
> on linux (and unix in general). 


> --p


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