On Tuesday 22 Oct 2002 20:27, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> Peter wrote:
>  >All these things just make life _easier_. I want to get on with
>  >developing code, not wondering why my hardware isn't performing. I
>  >don't _want_ to have to learn _that_ part of the system. Because I'll
>  >only need to do it once:
>  >when I spec the next machine. (The next time I spec a machine,
>  >everything I found out last time will be out of date.)
> This is a good idea to have this support and you've picked the right
> thread for asking for it. Currently there are only a handful of people
> who have worked on the official ALSA docs. I have done 90% of the work
> myself. It's great I'm learning heaps in the process and will definitely
>   think about how to make it possible to add the info you require.
> Unfortunately we don't often get success stories on the ALSA lists so we
> don't really know how well things work until someone says that it's
> broken :(

Heh. the life of a software developer.  You only get fault reports and feature 
requests (that need to be delivered yesterday) :-).

> As it is I have tried to provide a feedback inteface via the notes
> additions in the docs. So far it is being used but not as much as it
> could be. I guess it will just take time. You can lead a horse to water...

Ah, yes... I ought to post a report on my Evolution 249 USB keyboard.  Works a 
treat (well, Clemens latest change isn't in my alsa driver yet...).

> Do you have a specific idea envisioned for how we could present the info
> more effectively or a way to make more people contribute their results?
> I'm listening.

I think the new website is a _huge_ improvement over the old, static, one.  
Like I said elsewhere - I still don't really know enough about the hardware 
side of audio to know _what_ I'm missing :-(

And getting the positive feedback ... maybe we could convince one of the large 
PC mags to do a soundcard comparison on Linux/ALSA... :-)

If I knew enough to do a decent job, I'd happily nag everyone posting here, 
individually, into submitting details of their hardware setup and how they 
feel about their audio experience under Linux... :-)

-- Peter

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