On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 04:25:56 +0100, David Olofson wrote:
> > (1/12)/note makes more sense because theres /is/ someting very 12ey
> > about 12tET notes (the clues in the name ;), whereas there is
> > nothing 12ey about octaves. At all.
> There is nothing 12ey *at all* about notes if you're into 16t...
> So, 1.0/note makes sense, (1/12)/note does *not*. :-)

Well I was only talking about 12tET, if youre working in 16tET then its
1/16. If your working in a non ET scale then its non trivial, but we know

Your piano argument is not really a problem as its the piano mechaism that
generates the off-notes, that would be done at the midi->pitch stage,
sureley? By the time it reaches the oscilators its allready been shifted.

Maye I'm thinking at a different scope to you, but I view things like big
complex sequencers as working outside this API, for ont thing it will have
the same GUI issues as LADSPA.

- Steve 

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