David Olofson wrote:

>> so eventually, you'll need a different event system for
>> plugins that care about musical time.
>No. You'll need a different event system for plugins that want to 
>look at future events.

which is an added level of complexity, barring a lot of ways 
to head for plugins.

>> i'm convinced it's better to design one system that works
>> for event-only as well as audio-only plugins and allows for
>> the mixed case, too. everything else is an arbitrary
>> limitation of the system's capabilities.
>So, you want our real time synth + effect API to also be a full-blown 
>off-line music editing plugin API? Do you realize the complexity 
>consequences of such a design choice?

a plugin that is audio only does not need to care, it simply
asks the host for time conversion when needed. complexity is
a non-issue here. and talking about complexity: two discrete 
systems surely are more complex to implement than one alone.

i'm becoming tired of discussing this matter. fine by me if 
you can live with a plugin system that goes only half the way 
towards usable event handling. 


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