On Friday 13 December 2002 14.04, Paul Davis wrote:
> >Maybe I don't get all the issues, but the following thoughts occur
> > to me wrt time.
> >
> >* A tempo delay that starts a delayed sound just before the host
> > loops the play back in (musical) time does not really want to
> > know about absolute musical time, but DIFFERENCES in musical
> > time.  More precisely, it wants to be aware of the passing of
> > ticks (where the duration of a tick is defined by the host).
> >
> >* What if plugins that care about musical time have a TICKS
> > control. Whenever the host crosses a tick boundary, it sends a
> > (sample-accurate)
> ardour uses 1920 ticks per beat. if the beat is 180 bpm, that's
> 5760 ticks per second, or 1 tick every 8 samples at 48kHz. thats a
> ridiculously dense event stream when most of those ticks have no
> significance at all.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. One should probably only send the 
first tick of each block, and the first tick after a tempo change. If 
even that.

> >event to the TICKS control, with the value being the # of ticks
> >(ever-running time or track-time?).  Plugins can look at
> >host->ticks_per_beat.
> if you make ticks_per_second constant, then ticks_per_beat is not
> constant. if ticks_per_beat is constant, then ticks_per_second is
> not constant. computing the number of ticks between two arbitrary
> times is (theoretically, at least) quite complex. imagine a
> situation where a piece shifts time signatures a few times, has
> some decelerando and accelerando sections and a few sudden tempo
> changes (think prog-rock, for a start :).

Think, *any* kind of music, practically. Slight tempo changes during 
verse or chorus, tempo ramping during breaks and that kind of stuff 
is every now and then, even in normal pop music. It's just subtle 
enough that most people won't notice until you tell them! :-) (That's 
why it works; you're not *supposed* to conciously notice it.)

> how many ticks between a
> given point in one "section" and "another" ? if you make
> ticks_per_beat constant, its easy to compute the tick count, but
> hard to compute the interval between ticks. if you make
> ticks_per_second constant, its easy to compute (hah!) the interval
> between ticks, but knowing how many ticks are between two musical
> times is fairly tricky.

Right. This is why you always have to think in term of a timeline as 
either an abstract non-linear function, or a list of ranges; 
potentially more than one per sample frame. If you want to be 
absolutely correct, you cannot get around this.

> >* Pre-queuing becomes:
> >  - Plugin:  I have an event 100 ticks from now
> >  - Host sends ticks as they happen, even if we loop in time
> >  - Plugin decrements the counter on future events
> >  - If time jumps plugin can discard future events or not, as it
> > wishes - when the counter hits 0, plugin does whatever
> >
> >* We can provide SDK code to make this pre-queuing easy.
> i like this basic idea, but i don't think that you can send one
> event per tick. i think that david is not far from the mark. i
> think it should probably work more like this:
>        Plugin: i have an event at "bar|beat|ticks", what transport
>                frame is that ... [ computes ].
>        Host:   sends a running audio frame count
>        Plugin: defines a particular audio frame count as "zero" on
>                the transport frame scale (e.g. when playback
> starts), then executes the event at the correct offset. when the
> plugin considers the transport to be not moving, no events get
> executed.
> something like that.

Yeah, that's basically it. The important thing to keep in mind is 
that you cannot trust anything said about the time beyond the end of 
the current block, and that you cannot assume anything about the part 
of the timeline that's inside the current block - it can be 
non-linear, contain skips or whatever.

> the hard part here is that plugins needs to be able to share the
> tempo map, because they need to be able to look ahead to compute an
> audio frame (offset) that corresponds to a given B|b|t time.

Actually, they only really need to know whether that time is inside 
the current block or not. If it's before, it's already too late (all 
you can do is try to hide the mistake...), and if it's in the future, 
you're strictly speaking not allowed to care, since *no one* knows 
what will actually happen. You'll have to wait until the event is 
inside the block - if that ever happens, that is.

So, what you need is the part of the timeline corresponding to the 
current block.

> this
> is going to be a critical problem with JACK as well. its all very
> well saying that a particular plugin can do this, but if you want
> several plugins operating in sync with the same notion of tempo,
> there needs to be a way to share the information between them.

And if you have plugins working with a few *different* timelines, 
you'll also need a way to tell which one to look at.

> does this in a rather crude way, JACK currently doesn't do it at
> all. if you put it in the host, that helps a lot, but it now
> requires ways to edit the tempo map, which would typically be in
> the domain of a sequencer, and the vibe here is that the host is
> not necessarily a sequencer ...

Right... I've been thinking of implementing tempo maps as separate 
plugins, that driver both sequencers and synths. Either way; same 
problem - plugins need a way to export timeline data so that other 
plugins can access it.

Tick events, tempo change events and transport events would "work", 
but it's extremely inefficient for high tick resolutions, obviously. 

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

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