Paul Davis wrote:

>>you absolutely need ppq for the tick system to properly map
>>different measures (5/4 time, 6/8 time etc) as per previous
>well, if ppqn is variable, then sure. but cubase and all other vst
>apps have defined it to be 1, which makes it irrelevant. their "pulse"
>or "parts" (there seems to be disagreement over what the first "p" in
>"ppqn" stands for) is not the same as the "tick" are discussing,

it is ticks for all i know, spell it tpq if you happen
to like that better. have you ever parsed a MIDI file?
the same value is called 'division' in the file specs.

>so yes, ticks-per-beat is still necessary, but its a constant (1920 in

there's no point in limiting this to be a fixed value.

>>you're better off specifying tempo as quarter beats/minute 
>>uniformly for the above reasons.
>what reasons? after 2 rounds of fairly intense discussion on
>ardour-dev, we could find no reason to favor quarters over any other
>value. it makes no difference unless all the music you ever want to
>handle uses quarters as the beat note value. since this is
>demonstrably false, there is nothing particular interesting about
>using quarters.

you're right, it doesn't matter what reference length you
choose. quarters simply happen to work well, and there's
no need to break with convention here.

>>add seconds-per-beat for plugins that are not limited to
>>audio purposes.
>but thats just a straightforward transform of samples-per-beat given
>samples-per-second, so there is no reason to specify both. either one
>seems equally good to me.

it must be assumed the hosts knows seconds-per-beat better
than the plugin. thus, forcing another calculation back 
from frame units is illogical.

>>>the METER event needs to include
>>>     beats-per-measure (floating point value) [ 3, 5, 7, 9.5 etc ]
>>>     beat-note-value (floating point value) [quarter,1/16th, etc]
>>i wouldn't make either a float, it is by far too uncommon
>>to be justified and makes some arithmetic cumbersome.
>what arithmetic is cumbersome? beats-per-measure has to floating to
>accomodate most non-western music, and if thats a float, you may as
>well make beat-note-value the same, to avoid constant casting back and

one of the basic properties of rhythmn is that human beings
are able to count it, otherwise they cannot sync (groove)
to it. no musical tradition i know of violates this principle;
rhythmn is integral by its very nature.

i'd be happy to hear a good example proving this wrong. but
take note that i don't accept 1/2, 1/3 and relatives as 
qualifying because they can better be (and usually are) 
expressed using integer numbers.

about arithmetic: float operations, as you know, introduce
round-off error. integers can be used in accumulators with
much less inconvenience.


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