On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 08:34:13 -0500, Paul Davis wrote:
> >Its not an insurmountable problem, becasue a generic UI library would most
> >likely me somewwhat like libvstgui, which defines an API that pligins use
> >to provide controls (in theory). There is an implemntation of libvstgui
> >for IRIX + X Windows, targeted against Motif. Its 'just' a case of
> >implemting the API in your hosts toolkit and providing that to the plugin.
> you still need one per-possible-host-toolkit, though :)

You need one per /actual/ host toolkit. Which is slightly better.
Realisticly, GTK(++), QT, FLTK and maybe a few others.

If nothing else it would put people off using wacky toolkits ;)

- Steve

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