
I've been watching the mail on this list for some time.  I've looked at as 
much documentation on the web as I can find.  From alsa's web site to the 
linux audio developers web site.  What I would like to know (or see in a 
FAQ or HOWTO) is how to setup a linux pro audio system.  With different 
levels of price/performance issues.  Things like:

sound cards
necessary external equipment (amplifiers/interfaces)
speaker systems
cpu cases with low sound
midi interfaces
usb interfaces
dat interfaces

I'm pretty savvy when it comes to computer hardware but the audio hardware 
is where I'm lacking knowledge.  Currently I have a Korg Triton keyboard 
and a SoundBlaster Live! card.  I'm looking at upgrading to a more 
professional quality setup to handle:

multi-track recording/mastering
realtime synthesis
audio sound/music development/programming
possibly portable (19" rack mounted stuff) for live performance

I've seen discussions on Digital Audio cards like the RMU Hammerfall and
Digi series and the MidiMan Delta series.  Some have S/PDIF interfaces and
other digital interfaces.  What and how do connect to these?  What
equipment is necessary/recommended?  How do you choose one card from the

Is there a good web page to find this information?  Should there be one?  
A nice page describing various setups for different levels of pro to 
semi-pro audio systems would be handy.  

What do you guys suggest?

Matt Gerassimoff

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