Jack Audio Connection Kit 0.50.0 Released The Jack team is pleased to announce the release of version 0.50.0 of the Jack low-latency audio server. Jack allows applications to share data and audio devices in synchronous operation, and has already seen a year of hard testing and refinement. The API has stabilized for the foreseeable future, although backwards compatibility is not guaranteed. More information on Jack is available at the group's web site, [1]http://jackit.sourceforge.net/. Source packages for Jack 0.50.0 are available [2]here. What's new:
* Audio block sizes are fixed during runtime so clients can have more efficient algorithms. * No partial blocks will be delivered. Again for efficient client algorithms. * Thread scheduling hidden from clients for better portability. * Cleanly compiles with gcc-3.3. * Works on 64-bit platforms Work is ongoing to improve transport control. Developers and users interested in Jack should sign up to [4]jackit-devel, our mailing list. References 1. http://jackit.sourceforge.net/ 2. http://jackit.sourceforge.net/releases/current/ 3. http://jackit.sourceforge.net/apps/ 4. http://jackit.sourceforge.net/lists/