> It also supports OpenGL Scene Graphs which can be controlled by your
> audio data, the sequencers etc...

Hi Torben:

  ./configure is giving me problems when it comes to libgtkgl. It says:

        checking for gdk_gl_query in -lgtkgl... no
        GtkGL not found

  but 'whereis libgtkgl.so' reveals:

        libgtkgl: /usr/local/lib/libgtkgl.so /usr/local/lib/libgtkgl.la

  and 'nm libgtkgl.so.5.0.0 | grep gl_query' reports:

        00001678 T gdk_gl_query

  Any idea why configure doesn't recognize that I do have the lib ?

Best regards,

== Dave Phillips

        The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at http://www.nostarch.com/lms.htm
        The Linux Soundapps Site at http://linux-sound.org

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