Has anyone seen this yet?


What's particularly interesting is that, according to some of the buzz I've 
been hearing, their primary implemention platform is Linux (in an embedded 
mode, I imagine).  None of which is to say that it'll be Open, but this could 
be a pretty kicking thing to have available.


|      Frederick F. Gleason, Jr.      |         Salem Radio Labs          |
|       Voice: 1-(540)-341-2880       |      87 Lee Highway, Suite 11     |
|        FAX: 1-(540)-341-7176        |        Warrenton, VA 20186        |
|                      When your client's hopping mad,                    |
|                      Put his picture in the ad.                         |
|                      If he still should prove refractory,               |
|                      Add a picture of his factory.                      |
|                                     -- The Advertising Agency Song      |

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