***** This is an extremely informal release. The program is not useful yet for linux, but the porting is nearly there. So for anyone interested in looking at, in my opinion, the best :) graphical note-based music editor for any plattform, running in linux, here is a .tar.bz2 file:
http://www.notam02.no/radium/bin/radium062_src.tar.bz2 ***** To make it run, cut and paste the following into a terminal: wget http://www.notam02.no/radium/bin/radium062_src.tar.bz2 bzip2 -d radium062_src.tar.bz2 tar xvf radium062_src.tar cd radium062_src cd radium ; ./build.sh cd .. ; make ./start.sh ***** Here is the homepage: http://www.notam02.no/radium/ ***** And here is a screenshot of 0.62 running in linux: http://www.notam02.no/radium/pictures/v062_linux.png (notice the runnning of xlib(editor), qt(fx selector), gtk(midi settings/help) and tk(playlist) simultaniously :)) --