> I really don't see this as a problem. Do you mind saying why?
The way I see it is it could be possibly because it feels good for a developer to see that the interest in their creation is increasing beyond the confines of the original platform, which certainly is good for the developer as an individual, but does not do as much for Linux overall (I am putting a big * since in your case we are talking about a lib, please see below). Sure, a contributor from another platform might contribute a system-independent improvement, but then again they might only (and perhaps more likely) provide platform-dependent improvement, which might not transfer so well back into Linux version (obviously assuming that it was originally developed for Linux). OTOH, if let's say theoretically the user base eventually tips in other OS's favor (meaning majority of users are on a different platform than the one it was originally designed for), then the project might eventually abandon original OS altogether. This is again, assuming that the nature of the project demands some kind of system dependence. ---- *Obviously in your case, there is no need for system dependence since we are talking about a library, but in the case of an app like Ardour, this might be an issue. So, perhaps having libraries cross-platform compatible would encourage new avenues of porting apps from other OS's into Linux, but the same could not be said for the apps themselves (this again being an over-generalization). The reason I am bringing this up is because in the studio where I work (part of an university), I had this short window of opportunity when Macs were getting way behind Wintel machines (and Wintel machines were not an option) to introduce Linux, which I did. However, with the appearance of OS X shortly thereafter, the Linux adoption has come to standstill, primarily because a majority of the software studio was using was soon ported to OS X, and Linux lost its unique appeal. Hence, we now have only one Linux box in the official studio, while I use another completely unrelated lab with 5 Linux boxes to teach my "Linux & Multimedia" class. ---- Also, in response to Tim Hockin who mentioned: >I guess I don't see it as a problem. Forcing people to use this or that >software is exactly what GPL is AGAINST. Use whatever works for you. I don't see how would that go against GPL. If anything, I see my proposal as a GPL-offspring since it has a lot in common with the whole issue of using closed-source drivers (i.e. nvidia's or ati's) which taints the GPL nature of the kernel. By the same token, using the GPL'ed software on top of proprietary framework to me seems also a kind of a tainted approach to the whole issue. I know that this comparison is a bit far-fetched, but not completely unrealistic. Think of it this, very economically driven way: For instance, Linux developers (among others) have poured a lot of time and effort into developing gnu compilers and various other dev tools (i.e. glade, kdevelop). Now, person X designs an app using those tools, but uses it for OS other than Linux. End result, Linux OS does not gain anything, while the other proprietary OS does. Does this seem like a sane business? I know that GPL is not about that, and that its primary goal is to provide freedom for all, but then again knowing that there are forces out there who would rather see FSF, GNU, and Linux die, one has to wonder whether we are prepared to survive the commercial onslaught we are already tasting with the whole SCO fiasco. Besides, this could provide avenues for profit that some of the audio projects desperately need: like Trolltech with Qt, where they sell the dev tools to Microsoft's platform, but give them under GPL to GNU/Linux. OK, enough for now. Sorry all for the long ramble. Hope this will instigate an interesting discussion. :-) Ico