Hello -

I have recently persuaded Dan Trueman to release the source code for
his amazing real-time paragraphic EQ app, "gQ" (originally for Irix,
motif/viewkit) with the intention of finding developers interested in
porting it to Linux, ideally as a JACK client.

It was recently ported to Max (and now PD minus the graphics) as a part
of the PeRColate externals (http://www.music.columbia.edu/PeRColate/),
but both Dan and I feel a standalone Linux version would be very

Is anyone interested in helping tackle this one?  I may do it myself if
there are no takers, but it will take me _much_ longer than a 'real'
coder ;>

The orignal desription as well as a shot of gQ can be found here:


And the source can be found here:


Note that Dan's open source lisencing terms can be found in the src
tarball's README.


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