-------- directBOX Reply ---------------
Date: 15.09.2003 04:13:24
<p>Hi, Folks: <p>I am new here and I am also kind of new to Linux, so I have a basic
question. I have worked on a multi-media project on Windows platform, and I used
WaveIn and WaveOut functions as audio IO interface to capture and playback real-time
audio. Now, I need to do a port to Linux.......so what's the best audio IO API on
Linux? <p>In my search so far, I understand that both OSS and ALSA can do the job
(real-time audio capture/play).......but what's the difference? Stability wise?
Ease-of-use? Performance wise? Also any other candidate, in particular, cross-platform
wrapper API? <p>Thanks Express yourself with MSN Messenger 6.0 -- download now!
Well, the main differences between the OSS-Layer and ALSA are:
1.) alsa is the new driver in linux kernel >= 2.6.X
2.) oss-layers need ioctl() - calls to manage/configure sound devices (and ioctl()
are just possible for root-users !!!!!),so oss is really user-unfriendly if you want
to programm a application
3.) alsa is easier to use for midi / pcm capturing/playback
4.) both are less documentated ( I can tell you that !!! :) ) , but alsa
has a few basing programming tuts for C ( c++)
5.) alsa is basicly said a "wrapper", a front-end of the oss-arch and it is highly
recommended to use alsa at all.
I hope this helps,
Sascha Retzki
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