> can you name any commercial audio applications for
> linux? which of
> them do you believe are in a better state than JACK
> is?

not yet... but tying the success of your product to
the progress of a relitavely new open source project
is a bad idea in some cases. It depends on the
timeframe and situation.

Say you have 3 months to deliver an audio app for both
windows and linux. If you take longer than that,
you'll have to start going to work again or get
evicted (I swear, this is a hypothetical situation ;P)
JACK may or may not be ready by then, but if you use
agile programming practices and an abstraction layer,
your app will be ready for JACK or whatever new pops
up, even at the last minute!

> JACK has already been ported to OS X, 

Good. I'd code my app for OS X too if I could afford a
mac.. mayhaps my next big purchase? Any plans for
other unixen? I know VST is avail for SGI...

> thankfully, a quick
> look at the list of supported apps on the jack
> website shows that
> almost all of the most interesting apps are:
> so, what are the apps that don't use JACK?
> (rhetorical question)

rhetorical answer:

Project 5
VAZ Modular
hehehe, no need to go further.

My conclusion before I shut up on this matter: in real
life relationships, put all your eggs in one basket,
have faith in said person, yadda yadda. In APIs &
OSen, be like a distrustful whore! put your eggs in
every basket you can find! jump ship at the first sign
of new opportunity. I'd make an exception though that
I generally want linux to be sucessful, so I'll write
for linux even though there isn't much of a market for
linux audio apps... yet ;)

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