On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 06:51:16PM +0200, Joern Nettingsmeier wrote:

> * it should be elegant, or even beautiful
> * it should be fun to program with

Can't exactly put that in a requirements doc, though I think it is on my
mind :)

> * it *must* be easy to support in host applications

This is mentioned

> * it *must not* force any particular choice of toolkit or language upon 
> the implementer of either the host or the plugin

The API will be C.  GUI has not been discussed much..

> * it must be free without loopholes (bsd or lgpl)
> * specs and sdk must be available free-of-charge

I have covered both of these ;)

> * the surrounding community must be hospitable towards non-professional 
> developers

This is not a req, but social engineering.  I'm not worried about it.  VST
has a wide base of amateur and hobbyist and open source developers.

> * both the licensing and the community atmosphere should not discourage 
> closed-source commercial implementations while still conveying enough 
> "free spirit" to make commercial vendors play fair and participate in or 
> even donate something back to the community

This is a task for lawyers.  The reqs doc does cover this, though.

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