On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 01:16:52PM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
> >Paul Davis wrote:
> >> http://aes.harmony-central.com/115AES/Content/Blue/PR/Bluebird.html
> >
> >hey paul, how about getting neumann to sell their large diaphragms 
> >bundled with an ardour live evaluation cd ?
> >beat digidesign where it hurts most: in the packaging >;->
> i said it was drivel because it is. i don't do drivel. whether or not
> its a nice mic (and i have no idea), the idea of a mic designed to
> work with a particular set of digital hardware goes against everything
> that pro audio is supposed to be about. if their hardware is so good,
> it shouldn't need or benefit from a tweaked mic. if the mic isn't
> tweaked, then its nothing but marketing. drivel.

The latter. If you read the whole thing, it's pretty clear even from that
link that "tailored to fit the needs of the Digidesign end user" 
means nothing more than "it's a versatile microphone".


Paul Winkler
Look! Up in the sky! It's FRAGILE MAN BLOWER!
(random hero from isometric.spaceninja.com)

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