On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 11:47:33 -0700, Tim Hockin wrote:
> > It probably should be in the spec, or at least a recommended schema. There
> > better be a good reason for it being anything other than XML.
> The *spec* certainly.  But requirements?  The requirement seems to be "GMPI
> should have a standard preset file format.  That format must be flexible,
> extensible, well-defined, hierarchical, and human-editable pure ASCII."

Well, like you said the reuqiments dont need to specify the format, it
needs to be complete (in the compsci sense) - the other factors dont
matter as much - the the plugin state isnt hierachical then the state
format doesnt need to be either - even a binary format isnt the end of the

- Steve

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