> > This is a little toy I hacked up while learning the Jack API today. It
> > is not sophisticated, it is hackish, and it is probably not really doing
> > precisely what I intended it to do.  But it's fun. It does a simple form
> > of granular synthesis: it plays a grain for every incoming packet in
> > realtime.
> > 
> > Requires libpcap and libjack (of course).
> > 
> > http://falcon.fugal.net/~fugalh/hearnet/
> > 
> > Feedback is welcome.
> :-D
> to further boost the uselessness of this wonderful thing, how about 
> mapping different grains to protocol, port numbers and direction?
> just imagine:
> # ping somehost
> ping ... pong ... ping ... pong ... ping ...pong
> or even
> # ping -f somehost
> pgniogingpgnigongpgignpgoigpnigiongpgnogignpgipgnpoingopingopngignoin
> soon we will see network operators starring at contemporary music festivals.
> ;)

Done by Chris Chafe.... :-) ;-) :-)
See http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~cc/sfmoma/topLevel.html
(pretty picture at:
And/Or http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/soundwire/

-- Fernando

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