On Thu, 2004-01-15 at 07:32, Alfons Adriaensen wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 06:13:29PM -0500, Dave Robillard wrote:
> > Why does the plugin care?  Granted, some resources could be saved having
> > a mechanism for the plugins to know they're polyphonic; but I don't
> > think it's that critical.  That seems like an optimization detail to me;
> > I can't think of a reason polyphony couldn't be properly handled by the
> > host (like I said before, AMS /already does this/)!
> > Agreed, would be nice.  But still just an optimization detail.  Unless
> > everyone is willing to start drafting LADSPA v2, it's not really worth
> > talking about.  And somehow I doubt LADSPA is gonna be changed anytime
> > soon (although these problems/improvements would benefit everyone, not
> > just a modular synth.... think post processing effects, lots of multiple
> > plugins running there).
> Well, let me make one thing very clear. For me, optimization is *not* a
> detail nor something that should be ignored during analysis and taken
> care of later. By then it's probably too late. When I design or analyse
> anything that's not trivial, efficient implementation is as much a point
> to be considered as are functionality and abstraction. I've seen too many
> good applications being crippled during their entire lifetime by early
> design decisions that ignored this.

I agree.. I just said that because it was said using LADSPA is
impossible for these reasons.. well, it's not impossible.  Just missing
some optimizations.

The point is those optimizations can (and hopefully will) be grafted
onto LADSPA in a way that doesn't change things much.  The discussion
shouldn't be "these optimizations are missing so LADSPA isn't usable",
it should be "we're missing these needed features in LADSPA, so lets fix
that problem".

> > I don't think this is necessary, and just adds uneeded complexity
> > (especially to plugins, which is a Bad Thing(TM)).  I'm not familiar
> > with the internals of ams all that well yet, but is this really the only
> > way to accomplish these things? 
> The metadata I'll use is transparent for the user, it's related only
> to implementation.

I'll just assume you have your reasons.  But just because AMS is going
to have metadata doesn't mean some modular synth can't use LADSPA
without doing so.

> > Once you start doing anything remotely complicated, LADCCA just becomes
> > necessary.  With this track I've been fiddling with lately it literally
> > takes 5-10 minutes just to get the environment properly set up. 
> > Obviously this is a pretty big problem.  It's getting better though.
> I'll keep that in mind. One remark though: I will be happy to support any
> session management system as long as it is general and uses only standard
> interfaces. If it requires a particular window manager, desktop or toolset
> for example, it will not be supported.

I suggest looking into LADCCA if you don't know what it is.. it's really
cool, and IMO the next Really Important Thing for linux audio.

> > > What sort of 'ports' would that be (except for MIDI, but this is already
> > > possible) ? But maybe I don't understand exactly what you mean.
> > 
> > I mean ports on the plugins.. take the LFO plugin for a simple example..
> > right now, the frequency is a control in the GUI (right click, open the
> > GUI, and you'll get a slider).  It would be nice to have the option of
> > making it a port, so some other part of the synth could plug into it and
> > control the frequency of the LFO.  So you could, say, make higher notes
> > have a faster vibrato or whatever.  (Okay, not the best example, but you
> > get what I mean).
> OK, that maps to the requirement that almost everything that has a slider
> must also be 'voltage-controlled'.

I suppose, yes.  Is this a problem?  The added flexibility would be

> > No, it was connected.  The synth works fine in all aspect, except when
> > notes are _dead on_ simultaneous.  I assumed this was because the
> > developers don't have a real MIDI controller and never ran into this
> > problem. (vkeybd probably has sufficient delay between "simultaneous"
> > notes to avoid the problem)
> > I'll put something together with a .mid file to show it.
> Strange. I'm using AMS in poly mode with a real MIDI controller almost
> daily. I'm sure J.S. Bach would complain if some of his notes fall out :-).
> Anyway there's no such thing as "dead on simultaneous' as MIDI is a serial
> protocol. And even if you play a MIDI file, chords will be serialised at
> the ALSA port. Waiting for your example.

Pedant. :)  That's odd.. I'll put one together early next week and look
into it - no other synth prog I have has the problem, so it's not my
system configuration.  I have a feeling this one isn't going to be fun
to root out. (I'll take this to the ams list)

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