> > > There is another mode, where a single buffer forms a big desktop,
> > > of which each RAMDAC displays a part. Seems like stupid driver
> > > limitations restrict this mode to using the same resolution for
> > > both heads, but I'm not sure.
> >
> > It is to be expected that a single rendering context has only one
> > framebuffer configuration. "Consumer" hardware does not have a per
> > pixel framebuffer configuration stored in the framebuffer together
> > with the color (and possibly clipping) data; a rendering operation
> > expects a single config.
> Right, but resolution is just a matter of RAMDAC parameters. All I 
> want is a 3856x1536 framebuffer with one RAMDAC displaying a 
> 2048x1536 window and the other displaying a 1808x1356 window. I don't 
> care about one tiny MB of VRAM being invisible.

True, this should be possible as long as the pixel format is the same; I
misunderstood before, this is indeed a driver limitation.

> BTW, the 8800 is limited to 2048x2048 for OpenGL contexts, but that 
> seems to be per context, and I'm not inderested in stretching a 
> single context over both screens anyway. (I'm not interested in 
> stretching *anything* over both screens; just moving windows across 
> them, which is not possible with independent desktops.)

That is a problem since there is no way an application can know about
this limitation and I don't think X has a way of returning "window too
large" on a window config request.


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