On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 12:25, Daniel James wrote:
> > Why is this list closed?
> It was just set up temporarily because my cc: list was getting rather 
> long. We've got a proper list now.
> > the archive isn't available for browsing
> It is now: http://lists.linuxaudio.org/pipermail/consortium-p/
> Honestly, I didn't think anyone else would be interested.

Well, when there's a mailing list somewhere that supposedly represents
'linux audio', people should be able to read it.  Archive is open now,
end of issue.

(For the record, you should be making things open-by-default, or people
/will/ question your motives regardless)

> > Certainly not the way things are done in the 'open source
> > community'..
> No-one on this list ever sent a private email?

Oh, come on.  Sending someone a private email and having a private
mailing list (to represent "the community" no less) is not even remotely
the same thing.


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