On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 04:11:35 +0100, Dr. Matthias Nagorni wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Mar 2004, Steve Harris wrote:
> > OK, thats a reasonable definition for enumerations, but its missing the
> > non-ionteger eqivalent, "scale points" or whatever you want to callthem,
> > eg in ringmod_2i1o(1188) "Modulation depth (0=none, 1=AM, 2=RM)" input,
> > control, 0 to 2, default 0.  its not an integer control, its a continuous
> > valued control with specific meanings at specific points. Another example
> > is an oscilator control knob in LFO modules with contiunous varition
> > through sine, tri, saw, square.
> > 
> > I'l grant you that this case is less common, but its still one of the
> > "neccesary" control types.
> First: In general I don't understand why the difficulties to fix problem 2 
> (continuos controls with certain meanings) should prevent us from solving 
> problem 1 (the enumerations) where Fons already suggested a perfect solution.

They are the same problem - annotating certain values with labels. If you
solve one and not the other something is very wrong. I see Tim has just
posted a solution to both but I havent looked at it yet.

> Moreover, as you already granted, problem 2 is less severe. 

Less common, thats different.

> Usually the meaning of certain points is displayed in the port name (as in 
> the examples you mentioned). I don't know of any plugin where there are 
> more than 3 defined points, so the string won't be too long for this and 
> using just a slider control seems fine. 

The same as enumerations then?
> > I dont think what you're prosoing is an unacceptably bad hack (though I
> > dont think its a good one either), but I do think the RDF solution is
> > much cleaner.
> So, will that make it into the next LADSPA spec ?

It doesnt need to, its metadata. All it requires is that the hosts that
want those features parse the RDF - thats not all the hosts (though the
majority allready do) and it doesnt require any changes to ladspa.h.

- Steve

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