On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 02:58:54AM -0500, Dave Robillard wrote: > SSM does indeed have some really cool plugins like this. I know scaling > is equivalent to amplifying, sum = mixer, etc. but I was hoping someone > out there had a collection of math plugins, say division, add/sub a > constant, trig functions, log, absolute value (rectifier?), etc. etc.
dont know of division in the amplitude sense, but there are clock dividers. I would do division with a reciprocal (dont know of one) and ringmod. Descrete division is not often useful on its own. theres a LADSPA constant add function (Constant Signal Generator, 1909), sin (Sinus wavewrapper with Wrap degree=1.0, 1198) and abs (diode with mode=2.0, 1185) I'd welcome submissions of the ommisions :), if you havent seen it my XML plugin source format makes it very easy to create simple plugins like this. - Steve