At Wed, 28 Apr 2004 20:47:43 +0200,
Andrea Glorioso wrote:
> >>>>> "Frank" == Frank Barknecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     > Hallo,
>     > Paul Davis hat gesagt: // Paul Davis wrote:
>     >> debian is about to exclude all "non-free" material from their
>     >> distributions. this includes firmware, documentation et al.
>     > Yes, but some of alsa-tools at least aren't "non-free" at all,
>     > like env24control.
> Wasn't  the  division    between alsa-tools  and    alsa-firmware done
> explicitly  to allow distribution  of   alsa-tools for distros   which
> prefer not to distribute alsa-firmware?

basically it was thought to decrease the size of the package.
firmware data are rarely changed while alsa-tools programs are often

Takashi Iwai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                ALSA Developer -

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