On Tue, 08 Jun 2004 20:55 , Marek Peteraj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

>It all depends on how you perceive different controls (different knobs
>in different sections etc) and how you learn ot perceive them, i.e. how
>you get to know them and how you get used to them.

    Aaaaaarrrrrggghhhh - knobs.  One of my pet peeves.  Knobs make absolutely no
sense in a GUI.  There is no easy (or standard) way to control them.  Note that
there are no knobs in JAMin.  The parametric controls aren't even knobs.  I think
this was the point he was making.  Take a look at T-RackS.  Lovely knobs and
litle glowing tube pictures - how lovely.  But a major PITA to use.  Trying to
make GUIs that look like some metal box is counterproductive.  Just make the
thing work efficiently.

>Virtual 3d guis copy the real world. Try to do it the other way around,
>with widget sliders and one color for both sliders and background(most
>cases). Imagine a hw which would look like that.

    Why would I want to imagine hardware - we are talking about software aren't we?

>Another such case is animations in UI. They improve usability aswell.
>If carefully adjusted, they help to prevent sudden changes in the UI.
>Animations are not just eye-candy.

    Sometimes.  Rarely.  Usually they are just a way to sell a product.


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