On Thu, 2004-06-10 at 02:27, Steve Harris wrote:
> > If John Q. Hacker cared about PR, he wouldn't be that much of a hacker
> > would he? :)
> Heh. Lazyness, Imapatience and Hubris.

Guilty as charged.  More like "riled up by Marek and spouting his mouth
off" though. :) 

> > Heck, I write programs I don't even release because I'm too lazy (ie
> > this: http://chat.carleton.ca/~drobilla/patchbay.png).. PR isn't even on
> > the radar screen.
> Yeah, where is that whizzy patchbay, I've been waiting a while now ;)
> - Steve

Any day now, HONEST.

I was waiting on that patch for jack (which you yourself wrote, one
liner though it may be), and I realised it had already be commited. 
Clever me.

Anyway, I autotool-ized it yesterday and I'm cleaning it up a bit to
make adding alsa seq patching easier, then it's released.  Still a
random weekend's hack, but hopefully one that works for people..


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