Specimen is a MIDI controllable SoftSampler for GNU/Linux systems. Features added since 0.3.0 include:
* Portamento * Per-parameter LFOs with delay and attack * LFOs may be "global" (voice independent) or per-voice * LFOs may be constrained to oscillate between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 * ADSRs have gained delay and hold phases * Most parameters can be velocity sensitive to a user-specified degree * LFO/ADSR amounts for pitch are now entered in half-steps * A sample's pitch may be adjusted within a user-definable range You can download the latest tarball (some assembly requried) from www.gazuga.net, or directly below: http://www.gazuga.net/files/specimen-0.4.0.tar.gz The focus of the 0.4.x series is the GUI, so if you've got a gripe or a wish about that, now's the time to pipe up. As always, my inbox is wide open to suggestions and bug reports. -Pete