At Sat, 26 Jun 2004 09:36:26 +0200,
Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> What is "normal" ?

Why do you think I put it in "quotes?"

> I have an increasing difficulty in just understanding what you try
> to say. Could you explain the terms


> - crow-magnon (sic) music

I'm amazed that your purportedly scintillating perspicacity couldn't
detect the humor here.

> Where is the criticism ? 
> Where is the sneer ?
> I made the observation that educated people usually do not mind
> having to learn something. So if there is a widespread aversion to
> having to learn and read a manual, that seems to indicate that
> education levels have gone down.

Great, well, I made the observation that the intelligentsia have
microscopic genitalia. (What, you want my data? Surely you jest.)
Ergo, the smarter a person claims to be, the greater the magnification
they require at the urinal.

Really.  Perfectly level-headed, no sneering or contempt here.  Just
an honest attempt at productive discussion.


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