On Tue, 2004-08-17 at 17:14, John Check wrote:
> > group (tautological, I know, but bear with me).  Both perspectives are
> > equally valid, and since they aren't mututally exclusive, let's be
> > nice to each other.
> >
> This is pretty sweet, I haven't heard any negatives. 

You seem surprised?

The flames don't come from mentioning commercial endeavors using free
software - you'll find very few people who are actually
anti-making-money (a common misunderstanding about free software people)

The flames come when you start talking about linux + proprietary
software... (and some of them will be from myself, for the record). 
Free-as-in-speech and all that noise.

There's nothing wrong with making commercial products out of LAD
software - I doubt anyone's going to have a negative attitude about
making jack/linux/etc based drop-in networked synths/etc.  It's a pretty
cool idea, someone might even help. :)


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