On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 04:52:05PM -0400, Paul Winkler wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 03:41:17PM -0400, John Check wrote:
> > And how long does that take vs apt-get update && apt-get dist upgrade?
> > Take all the milliseconds you shave with flags and deduct 'em from the build 
> > time and pig-dog slowness of a package management system that runs on an 
> > interpreter,
> Them's fightin' words :-P
> I've never found the "pig-dog slowness" of portage to be significant
> whatsoever.  It's completely dwarfed by 

... i meant to finish that line :-)
It's completely dwarfed by compile time.

The main inconvenience of gentoo that I've noticed is that
I've had to train myself not to do upgrades right before I want
to do some work :-)


Paul Winkler

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