On Friday 27 August 2004 23.48, Lee Revell wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 16:06, David Olofson wrote:
> > On Friday 27 August 2004 21.08, Dan Hollis wrote:
> > > On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Lee Revell wrote:
> > > > Why do we need to /dev/null messages from nonsubscribers
> > > > then?
> > >
> > > because its 100% effective unlike the other methods.
> > >
> > > if they cant be arsed to subscribe then their messages arent
> > > all that important.
> >
> > I totally agree. Enough spam leaks through my filters as it is,
> > and I would rather not be on any lists that allow posts from
> > non-subscribers. I've been on a few, and they all let spam (and
> > viruses and similar crap) through every now and then. Even the
> > closed lists do once in a while, one way or another.
> If any spam gets through your filters then you need better filters.
> SpamAssassin properly configured will effectively eliminate spam.

Will try. I definitely need something serious here. Over the last few 
months, the situation has changed from "not much of a problem" to 
"plain ridiculous."

> Besides, you shouldn't need spam filters at all.  This should be
> done on the mail server.

My accounts are on a server with some spam filter + virus scanner 
solution, but it will either let some spam through, or start killing 
other mail occasionally. That wouldn't have been much of an issue if 
there was a way to have the server bounce "somewhat suspicious" 
messages with a nice "Please do not use HTML" (etc) message, instead 
of just throwing them away without telling anyone. :-/

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

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