
Friday, November 12, 2004, 10:25:29 AM, you wrote:

AS> I am working on what is called "distributed multimedia interaction", one
AS> purpose of which is to investigate possibilities for ensemble playing
AS> by remote parties, distributing the audio over IP networks.

AS> A crucial point is to achieve audio transmission with very low latency.
AS> If anyone could provide me with information on, or pointers to, 
AS> open-source software for doing this, I would be grateful.  (I have
AS> started to roll my own, but I can hardly defend duplicating work 
AS> unnecessarily.)

I know that McGill University has done some work on this kind of
stuff, at their Music Technology department. Maybe you can find
something on their website.

I would be very interested in any open source development in this

Marije Baalman

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