On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 22:52 +0100, Albert Graef wrote:
> The Audiotrak Maya 44 USB (http://www.audiotrak.de/eng/maya44u.html) 
> also looks nice, but I couldn't find any info about Linux support. Has 
> anyone here tried that one?

Sorry, no idea.  In theory any "class compliant" USB audio device should
work on Linux.  Try asking M-Audio if the device is class compliant.
Personally I wouldn't buy one unless I had some reports from other Linux

But, how horrible is this:


If you thought Linux audio was a mess, consider how bad the Windows
situation must be when hardware manufacturers are implementing
proprietary driver-level hacks for ASIO, MME, WDM, and GSIF apps to talk
to each other.


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