On lör, 2005-01-29 at 01:01 +0100, Jens M Andreasen wrote:

> Is there room for improvement? Yes I think so ... It is now possible to
> get 'clicks' with certain combinations of envelope and playingstyle. 

This needs some explanation. The easy test scenario to provoke this
behaviour is:

choose A1 (Amsterdam, a phat organ)

Play an octave doubled bassnote three times in succession while holding

Switch to A4 (DX kind of LA-Rhodes, 'Wheelmodulated III') while keeping
pedal down!

Helicopter around in a scale that fits with the organ-drone and watch
for the click when the excess organ voices are reused.

Caveat: This is a test scenario and do not appear naturally, at least
not for me. While playing with the 'Amsterdam' sound, I would most
likely at first fool around near middle C and then make my way down to
the finishing drone. And perhaps play the drone twice to make it fatter.
This will work always. Alternatively I could do a crescendo 'roll' on
the basses, but this will lead to clicks if extended indefinately.

To summarize:

1) I need the drone for some time, therefore I will not play it more
than twice (with holdpedal.)

2) I only need the drone temporarily while building up a new soundscape.
Therefore I can afford to make the drone fatter. I shall therefore
release the pedal well before any clicks gets audible.

Well ... it works for me :)



  c[]  //  Jens M Andreasen

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