That's cool! This is not meant to blow our own horns, but rather let people know we're available. XORNOT ( myself and Glyn Gibson ) also do a csound & linux only live techno show. We just did our third set last week here in Vancouver, using Csound5 ( yup that would include your work Erik! ) and Gentoo.

Ours is a bit more live-techno oriented, nothing is prerecorded, it's all sequenced off of sequencing tools we wrote in Csound, and all synthesis, effects, and mixing are in Csound. When writing we use gvim with a wack of custon python extensions. The only non-csound noises are drum samples, but we will be tackling that later too. Probably the most interesting feature to nerds is that we don't ever look at the computer or use keyboard/mouse, everything is controlled by midi hardware using a midi parser and input modules of our own devising allowing us to very quickly change just about anything with multiple input streams for the two users. The sound is deep and dubby funk influenced tech-house I guess.

Future plans include custom hardware programmed with PICs using the GNU pic stuff, and adding a second computer to do post processing and live mastering with LADPSA plugins for final sub-mixing/eq/compression. Also we will be publishing all tracks and source code used on line under GPL and Creative Commons Licenses of some sort. ( Our python score pre-processing utilility designed specifically for arranging techno is already up on our site. ) We are also looking into making custom live-cds with something like Dynebolic/Agnula plus Csound5 and our own FLTK front end so that others can try out the set rig on any fast commodity PC and get an idea of how the interface works with an FLTK hardware mockup. We are also planning to do a four track self release ep this year, which will be produced on Ardour/LADSPA/Jammin.

We will be doing a bunch of shows here in Vancouver this spring and summer, details will be available on our web site and you can also get on our mailing list. I am also interested in doing seminar/shows in which we demonstrate how we are working, what tools we're using, discuss linux audio, and then rock out. A friend from Active State wants to get something going this summer, and if anyone else is interested in this kind of thing and travel expenses can be covered from Vancouver, B.C., we're available!

A massive thanks to all you hard working developers who have made this possible!


Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
Hi all,

As some of you may know is on in Canberra, Australia
at the moment and that today we had an audio mini-conf followed by a performance night.

The standout tonight was a duo called Deprogram:

who performed some great electronica with live keys and vocals over
prerecorded tracks. The backing tracks had been recorded on and were being played back using Ardour running on a Linux laptop.

The performance was simply stunning. The fact that Ardour, Jack
and other linux software was used in its production and performance
is a *huge* validation of what we have been doing all these years.

Congratulations to everyone involved in making audio on Linux happen
and thanks to Nick and Mary of Deprogram for showing us how its
good this stuff actually is.


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