I have started writing my first jack application.
It's a simple combination of the qfileiconview example and jack.play (is that 
a homage to ms?). Users of that OS might recognise the concept. It's a 
FastWav2 clone.
It's very early days so this is untested but worked far so fine for me. I am 
not quite sure but you may need qmake to build it from source. Maybe someone 
has an automake/autoconf skeleton lying around? 

This is from the homepage: http://mimo.gn.apc.org/index.php/quickwav
A simple sample browser and loop player for jack
On windows I used to have a small program called FastWav2 to quickly browse 
through my samples' directories and drag and drop them into audio 
applications. quickwav does exactly the same. It uses a simple and quick 
navigation method. One thing that is still missing is variable playback 
quickwav uses jack for playback. Similiar to DirectX jack allows for multiple 
programs to use the same audio output at the same time. Many instances of 
quickwav can be run at the same time and together with other Linux audio 
applications. There is a downside to this, though, getting jack to run in the 
first place can be a frustrating experience. A hint, wildly clicking around 
in qjackctl's options is known to help.
Click & Play
Drag & Drop
Loops soundfiles
Uses jack for output
Allows running multiple instances
libsndfile based
QT3 user interface, works at least with QT and KDE applications
Download Version 0.1 http://mimo.gn.apc.org/quickwav/quickwav-0.1.tar.gz
The tarball contains source and binary version. It requires at least qt3, 
libsndfile, jack.

On Saturday 04 June 2005 14:43, mimo wrote:
> After my initial problems with jack I must say I have come to like jack.
> Especially together with muse. Now I wonder, is there something like a
> sample browser (possibly with jack output) that allows traversing through
> directories and click-n-play audio files in them? Something like good old
> fastwav on windows... I have searched and searched but everything I could
> find needs at least two clicks to play.. also kde/qt drag and drop would be
> nice..
> thanks,
> mm

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