Paul Davis wrote:
the only reason it hasn't defeated mp3 is that the
overwhelming majority of all compressed music format music players do
not support it. do you have any idea how hard it is for a windows user
to play even an ogg file?

I only respond because I feel that this may mislead any passing Windows user who happens to read this post.

I've never had a single problem playing an ogg vorbis file in Windows.

For example, Winamp plays ogg files, and is very simple to download and install. I believe you can also get codecs to play ogg files in DirectShow media players (including Windows Media Player). Look here:

There are undoubtedly some (very inexperienced) Windows users who might not want (or may not be able) to work out how to do any of this this.

However, that is *not* because it is "hard" to play oggs in Windows. At worst, it is slightly inconvenient; but it is not a difficult thing, at least in my experience.

Maybe there are other difficulties, which I haven't heard of.

Michael Nelson

PS Thanks Paul, for all the invaluable work you've done. I just got ardour recording from my soundcard for the first time last night. I've been looking forward to this moment for almost three years now!

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