The first (alpha) release of JAPA is now available at


>From the README:

JAPA is a 'perceptual' or 'psychoacoustic' audio spectrum
analyser. This means that the filters that are used to
analyse the spectrum have bandwidths that are neither
constant (as in JAAA), nor proportional to the center
frequency (as in a 1/3 octave band analyser), but tuned
to human perception. With the default settings, JAPA uses
a filter set that closely follows the Bark scale.

In contrast to JAAA, this is more an acoustical or musical
tool than a purely technical one. Possible uses include
spectrum monitoring while mixing or mastering, evaluation
of ambient noise, and (using pink noise), equalisation
of PA systems.

JAPA allows you to measure two inputs at the same time,
compare them, store them to memory and compare them to
stored traces. It offers a number of resolutions, speeds,
and various display options. The dual inputs and memories
will find their way into future JAAA versions as well.

This is a source release. You will also need libclalsadrv,
libclthreads (from the same place), and libfftw3f.

Enjoy !



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