Mario Lang wrote:

> Erik de Castro Lopo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > BTW, the latest release of libsndfile supports FLAC via the same API 
> > as all the other formats.
> GREAT!!! I was soooo waiting for this!  So now I'll be able to read
> flac files in SuperCollider.
> Now, if libsndfile only would do vorbis and mp3 too, I could just
> use it as the backend for everything.

Vorbis is coming. MP3 won't happen because of the legal issue 
surrounding MP3.

  Erik de Castro Lopo
Journalist: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has finally said Linux
            is the No. 1 threat to Windows. What's your response to that?
Linus     : "Tag, you're it." I don't care. They've had a lot of
            enemies in their time. Let them fight one enemy that
            doesn't care for a change.

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