Well, I'm about to crack open a can of worms, but let me just say that I'm 100% not interested in starting any debates/fights/riots/states-of- emergency. All I'm interested in is hearing where people stand and why --- I don't want to persuade people one way or the other, and I'd like to ask that everyone restrain themselves when feeling the urge to tell someone that they're wrong.
I'm doing this because, after having been a part of this community for a while, and a developer for some time, I'm having an "is it all worth it?" moment. I personally like the Linux environment more than Windows and Mac --- I find it to be better suited to a technically inclined person like myself. And with each iteration of the distros and desktop suites, it comes closer to meeting and surpassing the competition in core computer functions. It's already got the server side of things dominated, and when it comes to surfing the web, checking your email, burning cds, listening to music et al, it's definitely a contender. Better in some areas, worse in others, and mostly only suffering because of proprietary technologies that have become standard. But, and this what it's all about, when it comes to my personal reason for living --- music --- I'm forced to admit that on technical merits alone, I have a hard time arguing for Linux. I'm personally a "just for fun" kind of guy. I'm basically from the utilitarian-libertarian school, and while I did try the "free as in freedom" thing for a while, it was a poor fit. I happen to have some very significant qualms with the way "intellectual property" (if RMS was right about anything, it's that this is a poor term for non-rivalrous creative goods) is currently being handled --- there is a huge and easily observable disparity between what the laws say and what people do, and common sense tells you that that probably means the laws are messed up. So, for me, open source and creative commons are a way to sort of skirt the issue, or at least push things in a better direction. Also, there's something just sexy about open source. But for me, that's where the non-technical merits of it stop. What I'm saying is, I think we can all agree that, when an open source solution is technically superior to, or on par with, a proprietary solution, then the open source solution is the way to go. But what about when the proprietary solution is better? If the open source solution is good enough, then it makes sense to use it since it's bound to be cheaper. But if you really need the best tool for the job, then I don't see the justification for using the open source solution. Things obviously change when you're a developer, since you can bring the open source solution up to, or beyond, the level of the proprietary solution. The question, then, is will you get more pleasure out of doing so than pain? That's where I am right now. I really, really want to get an album out --- and I also want it to be really, really good. I want to use the best tools for the job, and in my evaluation, those are proprietary tools. OTOH, with a little work, I think the LMMS + Ardour can actually be the best, or at least good enough. I also happen to enjoy doing open source development, so this wouldn't be a bad path to pursue. But ultimately, I want to get back to making the best music that I can make --- it's for that reason that I think I'm going to finally go back to a dual boot machine for the first time in 6 years, and take a vacation in Windows land. None of this is to say that I'm through with Linux and open source as music making solutions --- far from it. And I'm certainly *not* trying to encourage any body to follow my lead. In fact, I hope people get pissed reading this and double their development efforts :-) It's just that, right now, rolling proprietary sounds more appealing than rolling open. This email is way, way longer than I intended it to be, and for that I apologize. Remember that I'm not looking to stir up any hostilities, I just want to hear where people stand on The Issues and get a sense of the community. I predict that there are people here on a moral mission, and there are people here because they get a chubby out of openness and collaborative development and such. But I don't think I'm going to see anybody who's primary interest is making music --- although I'd love to be proved wrong, and I certainly think that things will be different in the future as the tools get better. So let's hear it! WHAT is your NAME? WHAT is your QUEST? WHAT is your FAVORITE ALBUM? -- Pete Bessman http://gazuga.net "So this baby seal walks into a club."